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Download your FREE Worksheet:

9 Levers to Transform Your Buyer Conversation

and Value Proposition



What if...

Instead of the tiring work of treading water (pitch, deliver, repeat) your value to your client was greater than your time "onsite"?

What would that do for your business?

What impact would that have for you?

After a deep dive into the patterns of behavior of 300 high-performing consultants, we've come to understand there are 9 core levers used to transform their buyer conversation and value proposition.

In this worksheet and companion video we break down these 9 levers and go into more detail as to how you can start addressing them in your business, today.

You'll learn:

  • How to guarantee participants are applying what they learned during your programs.
  • How to prove to your clients that your programs have the desired impact.
  • How to definitively move your proposals from "nice-to-have" to essential.